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Argentina won the World Cup on home soil in 1978, and in Mexico in 1986.

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Q: Where did Argentina win the worldcup in 1978 and 1986?
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What years did Argentina win the year cup?

Argentina won it twice once with Kempes in 1978 and 1986 with Maradona.

Which years did Argentina win the world cup soccer?

Argentina won the world cup in 1978 and in 1986. In 1978 in was Mario Kemp es the hero, in 1986 it was Mara dona.

How many time Argentina win the world cup?

Argentina have won the world cup twice, once in 1978 with kempes, and 1986 with Maradona.

When did Argentina win the summer Olympics and world cup?

Argentina have won the world cup twice, 1978 and 1986.

How many Argentina win in World Cup?

Argentina have won the world cup only two times, 1978 and 1986.

Where did Argentina win the World Cup?

Argentina won the 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina. Argentina won the 1986 FIFA World Cup in Mexico.

Did the Argentina soccer team ever win the world cup?

Argentina has twice won the FIFA World Cup, in 1978 and 1986.

Will Argentina win on worldcup?

Unfortunately they lost to Germany 4-0 in the Quarter final.

How many times did Argentina win fifa soccer world cup?

two times 1978 and 1986

When did Argentina last win the World Cup?

Argentina won their first world cup in 1978 , with the help of Mario Kempes.

What are the dates that Argentina' soccer team win the world cup?

25 June 1978 and 29 June 1986.

How many time did argentin win worid cup?

Argentina have won two world cups 1978 and 1986.