Association Football (aka Soccer) was invented in England.
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
English Football
There virginity
No they are two persons who made it possible.
Flag football or touch football
the English invented football
In Australia, the game of "Touch" is played with a football. It is sometimes incorrectly called "Touch football", but it has no allegiance to the game of football.
"touch rugby"
Flag Football was invented in the year 1999 with someone
Association Football (aka Soccer) was invented in England.
the ipod touch was invented when cavemen were alive, the cavemen loved it!
In an on-sides kick the football does not have to touch the ground. The football must travel at least 10 yards before the kicking team can legally touch the football.
NRL is tackle football, there are kicks in play (start of field) and there are converisons. Touch football requires you to touch a player, no kicks during plays and no converisons.
bob Jones invented the pig skin football.
who invented
No, Football was "invented" in England.