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The earliest known use of the term in print was in 1988, and quoted a relief pitcher who was disgusted that he had to "walk off" the field after giving up the winning hit.

In the next decade or so the term just took hold.

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Q: When was this term walk off hit first used in baseball?
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Who started the phrase 'walk off home run' and when was it first used?

Look at the Baseball FAQ (on page 1): What is a walk off home run? The answer from Sam Silas on 5/6/04 states Dennis Eckersley and the date, circumstances.

What is the significance of the term "ball" in baseball, and how does it impact the game?

In baseball, the term "ball" refers to a pitch that is outside the strike zone. When a pitcher throws a ball, it gives the batter the opportunity to take a walk to first base if they accumulate four balls. This impacts the game by potentially giving the batting team an advantage in advancing base runners and scoring runs.

Was crip walk made first?

Made first before what? the Blood walk? yes the Crip walk was made before the Blood walk.

Which batter got the first walk in a MLB game?

The "4-ball" rule for a base-on-balls what not made a baseball rule until 1889. Prior to that it took anywhere from 9 balls (in 1879) to 5 balls (in 1887) to get a "free pass". There is no record available to determine who received the first "walk".

Is Walk off baseball definition limited to a walk off home run What about an RBI that scores the winning run from 1st The batter would have to run to 1st before the runner could score from 1st?

The term 'walk off' refers to when the home team wins the game in the ninth inning or a later inning. It doesn't have anything to do with the type of play but simply that whatever play occurred was the play that scored the winning run for the home team. You can have a walk off base bit (single, double, triple, or home run), a walk off walk, a walk off hit by pitch, a walk off error, even a walk off balk.

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What does the baseball term Lead off walk mean?

A 'lead off walk' is when the first batter (lead off) of an inning gets on base from a base on balls (walk).

What does ramp walk mean?

Ramp walk is another term for runway walk. "Ramp" is a term that is mostly used in the UK and India.

Where did the name for the walkway originate from?

The term walkway was first used in the year of seventeen and ninety two. It was a combination of the words walk and way which meant a path or street to walk on.

What does it mean when a baseball batter walks?

When a baseball batter walks it means that they received four pitches that were called balls by the umpire. The official term is base on balls. They call it a walk because the batter walks to first base. You only advance one base at a time when there is a walk. That means if there is already a runner on first base when the batter walks, that person advances only to second base. There is also an intentional walk where the pitcher intentionally throws four balls in order to put the runner on first base. This is used as strategy.

Where did the term hitch in your get along come from?

I first remember hearing the term in an episode of "I Love Lucy." Guest star Tennessee Ernie Ford was playing a country bumpkin attracted to Lucy and he used the term after watching her walk past.

What is a walk on?

what is a walk on in baseball

What is the walk of male models on ramps called?

It's called the runway walk. This term applies to both male and female models.

Who was the first to do the moon walk?

Marcel Marceau is the first performer known to have used the Moonwalk technique in dance.

Who started the phrase 'walk off home run' and when was it first used?

Look at the Baseball FAQ (on page 1): What is a walk off home run? The answer from Sam Silas on 5/6/04 states Dennis Eckersley and the date, circumstances.

What is a walk off Homer in Major League Baseball?

No. A 'walk off home run' is a term, first used by pitcher Dennis Eckersley of the Oakland Athletics, that stands for a home run, hit by the home team in the ninth inning or later, that ends a game.

Can you be put out on a walk in baseball?

Theoretically, yes, if you overrun first base or try to advance to second.

Are you out If thrown by a ball in baseball?

If you're thrown 4 balls, you get to walk (free walk to first base) but if you're thrown 3 strikes, then you're out.