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MOst game take place in the autum and winter months, However, that game can be played on all season surfaces so it can take place all year round

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Q: When is the touch rugby season?
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Is touch football and touch rugby the same thing?

No. Touch is touch rugby league is tackle google the rules :)

Where do you play touch rugby in Uganda?

Kyadondo Rugby Club or Kampala Rugby Club

How do you say touch football in french?

"touch rugby"

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Why was touch rugby created?

Mainly to introduce rugby to kids who are too young to tackle and such.

What countries play touch rugby?

Almost every country who plays rugby league

How is touch rugby different from tackle rugby?

In Touch rugby Verses Contact here are the differences >Non-contact, removing elements such as scrums, rucks, mauls, lineouts and kicks >Tackles are replaced by touches >Touch rugby is often played informally >One common variation is that a fair touch must be below the waist >Very little equipment is required to play.

What is awarded by the BBC tv for rugby league try of the season?

rugby football

Who invented the sport Touch Rugby?

who invented

What are the tactics in a touch rugby game?

score tries

How many points worth a try?

touch football is 1 , rugby league is 4 , rugby union is 5

What are five fitness components for touch rugby?

for assesment notes