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In 1869, the Cincinnati Baseball Club, better known as the Red Stockings, became the first all professional team. Two years later the National Association, the first major league of baseball, was formed.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The first year of the National Association was 1871. The teams playing that year were from Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Fort Wayne, New York, Philadelphia, Rockford, Troy, and Washington. The National Association is considered the first major league by historians.

The first year of the National League was 1876. The teams playing that year were from Chicago, St. Louis, Hartford, Boston, Louisville, New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati.

The first year of the American League was 1901. The teams playing then were from Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, and Milwaukee.

Here is a nice web-site to check out, just click on the link below. At least there is a time line.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The first professional league, The National Association, began play in May of 1871.

However, the first professional team (all paid, no amateurs ) began in 1869 -

Cincinnati Red Stockings.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Major League Baseball (MLB) has been America's favorite pasttime since the National League was formed in 1876, with the American League following in 1901.

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