Lenin wanted Trotsky to succeed him, because he felt that Stalin was too power hungry and crude. Lenin even wrote that before he died, but Stalin found out about it and suppressed it. Stalin as Secretary General of the Communist Party had placed many people loyal to him in high party office and had allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev (both of whom hated Trotsky). Trotsky found himself isolated and without support to succeed Lenin.
Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev ruled after Lenin died, but Stalin gradually eliminated them too and took complete control in 1928.
Stalin had always supported the Bolsheviks, while Trotsky only switched from the Menshevik party to the Bolshevik party after it was apparent that the Bolsheviks would win. Trotsky was a thinker with brilliant speeches, Stalin used force for votes. Trotsky led the army, while Stalin was the secretary. Stalin had great political appeal, but Trotsky had great militaristic and organisational appeal. Furthermore, Stalin was mentally and physically strong, but after Lenin's death, Trotsky began breaking down. The power struggle between the two sparked a conflict in which Trotsky fled the USSR but was later disposed.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
Stalin saw Leon Trotsky as a threat to his power as the Soviet leader. Trotsky had been a vocal critic of Stalin and Stalin's so-called "communists". Stalin had Trotsky exiled and later assassinated. Even in exile, Trotsky was considered as a major threat by Stalin. Trotsky's ideas were being spread around the world in Marxist circles. Stalin believed he had to liquidate the Marxist Trotsky.
Stalin was glad to be rid of Lenin so that he could now take over the Communist Party and the Soviet Union himself. Stalin had been running the government behind Lenin's back with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Now he did not have to hide it. Also, Stalin was making disparaging remarks about Lenin because of his invalided condition after his strokes. Trotsky was sad to see Lenin go, but at the same time worried because he knew what Stalin would try to eliminate him now that Lenin was no longer there to keep Stalin in line.
Vladimir Lenin himself had wanted Trotsky to become his successor, mostly because he feared that Joseph Stalin had an "evil soul". After Lenin's death, it was a face-off between Leon Trotsky & Stalin. It seemed as if Trotsky would win because of his closer ties with Lenin. However, by manipulating Trotsky, Stalin managed to turn the people in the Communist party to dislike him. He stated that there were differences in their beliefs in Communism; one wanted a revolution across the world and the other believed in a revolution only within the Soviet Union. By deeming Trotsky's ideals as wrong and stray from the path of Lenin's, Stalin managed to have Troysky exiled to Mexico. There, he was killed by an assassin supposedly appointed by Stalin himself.
Stalin had always supported the Bolsheviks, while Trotsky only switched from the Menshevik party to the Bolshevik party after it was apparent that the Bolsheviks would win. Trotsky was a thinker with brilliant speeches, Stalin used force for votes. Trotsky led the army, while Stalin was the secretary. Stalin had great political appeal, but Trotsky had great militaristic and organisational appeal. Furthermore, Stalin was mentally and physically strong, but after Lenin's death, Trotsky began breaking down. The power struggle between the two sparked a conflict in which Trotsky fled the USSR but was later disposed.
While Lenin was initially critical of both Trotsky and Stalin, toward the end he began to see Stalin's true ambitions and strongly favored Trotsky over him. Trotsky, (who was by no means an angle) was ruthless but extremely dedicated to communism and sincerely belived in the cause. Trotsky would probably no do any thing as awful as Stalin did and probably would have entered WWII before stalin. all and all Trotsky's soviet union would probably bear more resembelence to the one envisioned by comrade Lenin.
Stalin saw Leon Trotsky as a threat to his power as the Soviet leader. Trotsky had been a vocal critic of Stalin and Stalin's so-called "communists". Stalin had Trotsky exiled and later assassinated. Even in exile, Trotsky was considered as a major threat by Stalin. Trotsky's ideas were being spread around the world in Marxist circles. Stalin believed he had to liquidate the Marxist Trotsky.
Stalin was glad to be rid of Lenin so that he could now take over the Communist Party and the Soviet Union himself. Stalin had been running the government behind Lenin's back with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. Now he did not have to hide it. Also, Stalin was making disparaging remarks about Lenin because of his invalided condition after his strokes. Trotsky was sad to see Lenin go, but at the same time worried because he knew what Stalin would try to eliminate him now that Lenin was no longer there to keep Stalin in line.
Vladimir Lenin himself had wanted Trotsky to become his successor, mostly because he feared that Joseph Stalin had an "evil soul". After Lenin's death, it was a face-off between Leon Trotsky & Stalin. It seemed as if Trotsky would win because of his closer ties with Lenin. However, by manipulating Trotsky, Stalin managed to turn the people in the Communist party to dislike him. He stated that there were differences in their beliefs in Communism; one wanted a revolution across the world and the other believed in a revolution only within the Soviet Union. By deeming Trotsky's ideals as wrong and stray from the path of Lenin's, Stalin managed to have Troysky exiled to Mexico. There, he was killed by an assassin supposedly appointed by Stalin himself.
Lenin's death was premature, few expected this would happen. After Lenin's death, his group of top supporters such as Stalin and Trotsky, among the other leading Bolsheviks maneuvered themselves to take control of the "revolution". Stalin became the dictator of the Soviet Union. His grip on the Party and the nation was strong. Party members he thought were rivals or threats to his power, such as Trotsky, were exiled or executed.
He was worried about who would take power, he had trust in both Stalin, and Trotsky, but they ended up failing his vision in the end
Joseph Stalin's rival for control of the Soviet Union was Leon Trotsky. Vladimir Lenin died in 1924 and over the next 5 years Stalin would kill or otherwise remove all of his political opponents and rivals and exile Trotsky. He eventually had Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City in 1940.
Vladimir Lenin's body was placed in a glass coffin after it was treated with chemicals to preserve it so it would not decay. Joseph Stalin is the one who proposed that against the wishes of Lenin's wife, Krupskaia and his colleague, Leon Trotsky.
Probably the most important result of Lenin's death was that the feud between Trotsky and Stalin developed into a struggle for power. Trotsky believed in international revolution, while Stalin was quite content for communism to be based in one country with himself at the head. Stalin was successful and became effectively a dictator while Trotsky was exiled.
Leon Trotsky posed a threat to Joseph Stalin's hold on the power in Russia after Lenin's death. Many Bolshevik leaders supported Trotsky's philosophy of "permanent revolution" while others supported Stalin's policy of "socialism in one country." Stalin allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky and eventually had enough people loyal to him to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party. Trotsky continued to criticize Stalin and tried to line up support against Stalin. Stalin knew the only way to completely eliminate Trotsky as a rival would be to get him out of the country entirely, so Trotsky was exiled to Turkey.Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition to Stalin.The excuse Stalin gave for the exile of Trotsky was that he did not go to Lenins funeral-but Stalin idid not invite him to the funeral.
Leon Trotsky believed that Stalin was not a true Marxist. He believed that with the death of Lenin, Stalin would use the dictatorship of the proletariat as a mechanism to assert total control of the Soviet Union under his "rule". As Trotsky saw Stalin as a "true" dictator, any handy political & philosophical ideas could be used to obtain & retain full power over the Soviet Union. Trotsky laid down this idea sometime before it became clear that Stalin was a "working man's" Czar. He believed that Stalin's methods would lead to the party organization to substitute itself as the party as a whole. Then the Central Committee would substitute itself for the party organization. Finally a single dictator would substitute a single dictator ( Stalin) for the Central Committee.