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around 1924

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Q: What year was the first Olympics game?
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When was the first winter game Olympics were held in what year?

The first Winter olympics were held in 1924 - at Chamonix, in France.

What year the Olympics game first held?

776bc in olympia ,greece

What year was tennis first in the Olympics?

In first hit the headlines that tennis was in the Olympics was in the year of 1896.

When was the first year soccer was played in Olympics?

1900 was the first year soccer was played in Olympics.

When did Finland first compete at the Olympics?

Finland was first invited to join the Olympics year 1896, but it didn't join. First time Finland competed at the Olympics in the year 1906.

What was first year Canada competed in the Olympics?

The 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris were the first Olympics at which a Canadian athlete participated.

What year was the first olympic basketball game held?

The first basketball games in the Olympics were played on August 7, 1936 at the Summer Games in Berlin.

What was the name of the first game show?

The Olympics

What is the first game played in the Olympics?


What was the first game for womens in olympics?

The first game that held in oiympics for womens is boxing .

What year did Greece first compete in the Olympics?

1896, for the modern olympics.

When was the first year the US participated in the Olympics?

1896 was the first time the United States participated in the Olympics, which was a Summer Olympics. The first Winter Olympics the U.S. participated in was in 1924.