the ancient Olympics were primarily a part of a religious festival in honnor of Zeus, the father of the greek gods and goddesses. The festival and the games were held Olympia, a rural Sanctuary site in the tvestern peloponnesos.
that isn't really a question but heres some info, they started in Athens and the were just a sports competition for AThens then the Whole of Greece started playing then more and more countries, the winner of the old games would get fame, girls [only men were allowed to compete] and sometimes food for life
suck it!!
Only men were able to compete in the Ancient Olympics. Women were forbid to enter the Ancient Olympics, or, Olympia, as it was called back then.
Because the ancient Greeks believed they would earn respect and the gods would bring them good fortune.
All the contestants would compete for an Olympic medal !
suck it!!
In the Ancient Olympics the competitors were nude.
they ancient Olympics begun to honor their gods
The Olympics is an Ancient Greek festival.
They would get rocks shaped as Zeus
about ten months, the equivalent to the Greek year
the diffrence between modern and ancient olympics is that it was not as safe and many were killed in ancient olympics
In the ancient Olympics men performed for Zoos! Father of the Olympiads, hence the name Olympics. Who would dare cheat, while performing for an all seeing god?
ones ancient ones modern
the first ancient Olympics where head in grease
Without them the ancient Greeks would not have been able to start the Olympics.