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This is unknown as the possibilities and speculations are endless.

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Q: What would have happened to the game of hockey if the puck was never invented?
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What would have happened if the Persian Gulf War never happened?

if it never happened, lots of people would be alive,America would not have hatred on Iraq and there would be no history on the Persian Gulf War

What might have happened if the cotton gin had never been invented?

We would be without clothes because well actually there wouldn't be alot of clothes for the entire world because we would be running low on cotton.

What would have happened if the gold rush never happend?


What if the gallipoli campaign succeeded?

It will remain an unknown, but it is always fun to play the guessing game. Here are a few possibilities: * Istanbul would have fallen. * The sea lanes to Russia would have opened and resupply could be accomplished. * The Russian Revolution would have never happened. The Soviet Union would have never existed. * Germany would have lost WWI two years earlier. * The US would never have entered WWI. * Kemal Attaturk would not have risen to power and the Turkish Republic would not exist. * Hitler would not have gained favor. * WWII in Europe would not have happened. * WWII in Asia might never have happened. * Singapore would never have fallen. * Nuclear weapons might never have been needed. * Chernobyl and Three Mile Island would have never happend. * Vietnam would still be a French Colony. * Korea and the Vietnam war would have never happened. * China might have never become a Communist State. * The Cuban Missle Crisis might never have happened. * The Cold War would never have happened. * Gasoline might still be 50 cents a gallon. Darned Anzacs.

How would the world be a better place if car and airplane had never been invented?

If cars and airplanes had never been invented there would be less pollution. There also be no car accident or plane crashes.

Related questions

What would people call hockey if hockey pucks weren't invented?

Hockey. Pucks were invented for ice hockey, and if it hadn't developed, more people would simply play field hockey (the original way of playing hockey).

How did they invented hockey?

people would play hockey with a stick and a rock shuffling it around like in hockey. hope this helps

What wouldve happened if the lightning rod was never invented?

More buildings would be destroyed by fires started by lightning

What would happen if the nullification crisis never happened?

It never would have happened, simple as that

What if Wayne Gretzky never played hockey?

Mario Lemieux would have his rightful place as the best hockey player ever.

What would happen if planes were not invented?

If planes were never invented transportation would rely on trains, boats and cars. 9-11 would never have happened, several other plane crashes and bombs in planes would never have happened. We would not have an air force, Israel probably would not have won as many wars as they did against Egypt, because they would not have had the air superiority they needed to win. Bombs dropped from planes would never have happened, like Pearl harbor, and our attack on Japan. Basically the wars past WWI would not have happened the way they did. Small town medical flight transportation would not exist, therefore to get to a better hospital would take twice as long, which will result in more deaths. I can go on and on about this, but the point is we as a society rely on planes almost as much as we do technology. The way we live would be altered significantly.

What would have happened if the Persian Gulf War never happened?

if it never happened, lots of people would be alive,America would not have hatred on Iraq and there would be no history on the Persian Gulf War

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explain how our life would be different if televesion had never been invented

What would have happened if vehicles were not invented?

We Would Have To Walk Or Ride Horses, But Not With Carts.

What happened to the Morse code operators when the telephone was invented?

First of all; It would be "What happened after Morse code was invented" and Second of all; do your own stupid work.

What would happened if wheels were not invented?

We would all be using the shoe-leather express.

What would be a result of black plague?

The Renaissance would have never happened.