A ball... The original game of hockey was played in Kingston Ontario Canada by British Troops and was played with Field Hockey sticks and a Ball, as the game developed I presume that it wasnt practical to play with a ball and then a puck was invented... the first referrence i can find is 1876
The hockey puck was invented so hockey players had something to shoot into the goal.
A player can have two sticks in his possession but he can not play the puck while holding both.
you block the puck.
Underwater Hockey
underwater hockey
to hit the puck not with your hands
tape, a puck and sometimes wax.
A puck is a small, disk-shaped object used in sports such as ice hockey and air hockey. In ice hockey, it is made of hard rubber and players use sticks to hit it into the opponent's goal to score points. In air hockey, the puck floats on a cushion of air and players use strikers to hit it into the opponent's goal.
to help lift the puck off the ice
you need 2 sticks and then you have to hit it in the other players goal. (it is a 2 player game)
Because,What would you do ? Kick the blooming puck around? XD lol
A ball.
a puck
A hockey puck
It's Called a Hockey Puck not Ball. Plus The Hockey pucks are made of Rubber.
THE PUCK, you play hockey to get the puck.
The original hockey puck was made from rubber. Rubber is a durable material that is able to withstand the impact and friction of being used in a fast-paced game like hockey.