

How did the February Revolution get this name?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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The February Revolution occurred on February 22, 1917, according to the Julian calendar that Russia was using at the time. The Julian calendar was about 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar which most of the rest of the world used. For the western world, the revolution occurred on March 8, 1817; however in Russia, it occurred on February 22, 1917, hence the name February Revolution.

The following year, Russia changed over to the Gregorian calendar, but the February Revolution never lost that name even though the anniversary of the revolution was honored on March 8.

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February 23-27,1917

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The Bolshevik Party led the October Revolution of 1917. There was another revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, the the October Revolution is commonly referred to as the Russian Revolution, because it resulted in the establishment of the Communist government and the Soviet Union.

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February 1917

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The Provisional Government.

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The three stages of the "Russian Revolution" were the 1905 Revolution after Bloody Sunday, the February Revolution of 1917 and the October Revolution of 1917.

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No, the Bolshevik Revolution was in October if you are using the old style calendar.

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