The Green Bay Packers
The Green Bay Packers beat the Dallas Cowboys 21-17 in the 1967 NFL Championship Game, also known as the Ice Bowl.
Green Pay Packers
The 'Ice Bowl' is the name given to the 1967 NFL Championship Game between the Packers and the Dallas Cowboys. The game was played on December 31, 1967 with the game time temperature recorded at -13 F. The Packers won the game 21-17 on a Bart Starr quarterback sneak on third down for a TD with with 13 seconds left in the game and Green Bay OUT of timeouts. Click on the 'Ice Bowl' link on this page to read about this game, one of the greatest games in the history of the NFL.
1967 NFL championship game, Packers and Cowboys in Green Bay. Kickoff temperature -13 degrees, wind chill -46 degrees, final score GB 21 DALLAS 17.
It is impossible unless the temperature drops below freezing at night.
No-- it needs the lower temperature to coagulate. Maybe if you set the bowl in an ice chest with ice.
The Ice Bowl was played December 31, 1967.
If the bowl of ice and water is kept at exactly zero degrees Celsius, the ice will remain in equilibrium with the liquid water. The ice might slowly melt into water, but at the same rate it will refreeze into ice due to the balance between freezing and melting processes at this temperature.
December 31, 1967 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The 'Ice Bowl' is the nickname for the 1967 NFL Championship Game between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys where the game time temperature was -13 degrees F (-25 C).
of course a freezer is colder than a bowl of ice because the freezer made the ice and there are lots of frozen stuff in there.
A metal bowl keeps ice cream frozen the longest.
Ice will melt faster in a bowl of alcohol compared to a bowl of water due to alcohol having a lower freezing point than water. The lower freezing point of alcohol allows it to absorb heat more quickly from the surroundings, leading to faster melting of the ice. Additionally, alcohol has a lower heat capacity than water, meaning it requires less energy to raise its temperature, further contributing to the faster melting of the ice in alcohol.
No. The temperature of dry ice is far lower than that of ice water.
The time it takes for a bowl of ice cream to melt can vary based on room temperature, the amount of ice cream, and how exposed it is to heat. On average, it may take around 10-20 minutes for a normal serving of ice cream to start melting significantly.
The 'Ice Bowl' was not a Super Bowl but an NFL Championship game held on December 31, 1967 between the Packers and Dallas Cowboys in Green Bay. The temperature at game time was -13F and the wind chill was -48F. The Packers won the game 21-17.
Temperature affects an ice cube by either melting it or freezing it. If the temperature is warmer than the ice cube's melting point, the ice will melt into water. If the temperature is colder than the ice cube's freezing point, the water will freeze and the ice cube will grow.