Eli manning
In 2009, there are no Mannings playing college football who are in Archie Mannings immediate family. Archie is retired from the NFL, Peyton and Eli are currently starting quarterbacks in the NFL, and Cooper Manning, Archies' oldest son, was an All-State High School receiver, until he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis, which effectively put an end to his football career. There are certainly hundreds of Mannings in college football today, but none of them are Archie Mannings son.
Eli Manning
Eli manning
Peyton Manning is the guy you're thinking of. Eli Manning is his brother (QB for the New York Giants). Eli and the Giants won the Super Bowl last year. Even though he is younger than Peyton.
Eli Manning had a QB rating of 103.8, Hit 30/40 for 296 yards and 1 touchdown.
Ole Mis
Eli and Cooper.
"Mastermind" Manning
Bob Conway
It's a team game, it does not revolve around one guy. And besides, both Mannings defeated Brady in the playoffs once.
He is number 10
Cooper and Peyton.
joe montana career