In 1947 Yogi Berra had a salary of $5,000.
$25,000,000! But it doesn't matter because the Yankees have millions.
In 1977 Reggie Jackson was in the first year of a five year contract with the New York Yankees that paid him an annual salary of $580,000.00
2007: According to CBS SportsLine, Rodriguez' 2007 salary is $22,708,525.2010: In 2010, Alex Rodriguez' salary was $33,000,000.2013: Yankees player Alex Rodriguez will make $29 million in 2013.
They didn't made any money in 2010, I think they owe $5.8m to Alex Rodriguez for 2010.
Billy Martin a former player for the New York Yankees was offered seventy five thousand dollars to manage the New York Yankee. Martin was available as he had just been fired by the Texas Rangers.
Lou played for the New York Yankees baseball team. He was offered $1500 to sign the contract and a good salary.
3 millions... at the end of the 2010 season the Yankees organization offered him 3 millions per year for the next 3 seasons
for the 2009 season: $201 million
28.5mil a year
In 2012, Nick Swisher's salary is $10,250,000.
Of all sports the New York Yankees have the highest cap salary
In 1947 Yogi Berra had a salary of $5,000.
10 lpa
Alex Rodriguez has the highest salary on the Yankees. He makes $33 million a year.
206,738,389 as of opening day 2011