A genuine signature of JFK is worth about 2.500$
Mel Ott Autograph ValuesSignatures will vary in price based on condition, the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature, the item signed, and how well the item displays the signature. Baseballs are the most common, and preferred by collectors because of it's connection to the game, low cost, availability and it displays the signature well. The signed baseball represents the average price for a signature, and by deducting or adding from this price for the Item signed accordingly will give you a good idea on value. The lowest priced signed item would be for a "cut Signature." A cut signature is a signature on a piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Index cards are the next step up, and both sell at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed baseball. Autograph photos typically sell at about 40-60 percent the price of a baseball with bats, uniform Jersey's and equipment selling at a higher price due to the higher cost of the item, rarity and display.In general if an autographed baseball is worth $100. the same autograph on a 8x10 photo $50. a cut signature $20. on a bat $150. The percentage of the price could also vary based on the popularity of the player, rarity, and how sought after the signature is.A Mel Ott single signed baseball is worth between $4,500.-$5,500.Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.
About $5million
999 hundred pounds
well from my understanding, his real signature in good shape, i would ay about $500,000, he is an amazing explorer and a museum will probably buy that off of you
A Thurman Munson autograph on a piece of paper is worth about $500. - $800. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. The Roy White signature is worth about $10. An autograph signed on a piece of paper would be valued as a "cut signature." A cut signature has the lowest value for a signed item. A cut signature is a signature on a piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Index cards are the next step up, and both sell at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed baseball. The percentage of the price could also vary based on the popularity of the player, and how sought after the signature is. In a recent auction a Thurman Munson cut signature sold for $553. A Thurman Munson single signed baseball is worth between $6,000. $8,000. and are starting to sell in the $10,000. + price range. Signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
Basic signature on a plain piece of paper, it would be worth about $10. If it's on a significant photo or playbill, the price varies from $20 to about $100. Most of the autographs average about $25
the print and the color
200-600 dollars.
It depends where she signed. If she signed a book, or a flight plan, then it might be worth much more, but from what I know a signature on a normal peice of paper could be worth as much as $1,899.00.
It is worth 50 cents. That is why it is called a 50 cent piece.
Lou Gehrig signed letterheadA Lou Gehrig signed typed letter is worth about $2,500.-$3,000. A Lou Gehrig signed letterhead might be valued somewhere between a 'cut signature' (signed piece of paper) and an 8x10 photo. A Lou Gehrig 'cut signature is worth about $1,000. -$1,500. A Lou Gehrig signed photo is worth about $3,000.-$5,000. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.
Autograph Book - Cut Signature ValueA signature in an autograph book would be valued as a "cut signature" and each signature in the book would be valued on it's own merit. Condition of both the paper and signature is important as well as the type of authenticity that accompanies each signature. Signatures that are not properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.A Cut Signature is a signature on a small piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value such as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used for inserts by baseball card companies and sell for about 10-20% the price of a signed baseball. Percentage will vary based on the popularity of the player, and the rarity of the signature.The value for the cut signatures of the players you listed are probably worth about $5.-$15. each.(or less)
Worth whatever someone wants to pay for it Shellac it and they make nice conversation piece
The value of the piece is worth a price close to $200. The amount of the piece will vary depending upon its condition.
Thurman Munson Cut SignatureAn autograph signed on a piece of paper would be valued as a "cut signature." A Thurman Munson cut signature (signed on a piece of paper) is worth about $500.00 - $800.00 Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value from such items as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used by collectors to display with a framed photo, or for inserts by baseball card companies.