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A Thurman Munson autograph on a piece of paper is worth about $500. - $800. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. The Roy White signature is worth about $10.

An autograph signed on a piece of paper would be valued as a "cut signature."

A cut signature has the lowest value for a signed item. A cut signature is a signature on a piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Index cards are the next step up, and both sell at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed Baseball. The percentage of the price could also vary based on the popularity of the player, and how sought after the signature is.

In a recent auction a Thurman Munson cut signature sold for $553.

A Thurman Munson single signed baseball is worth between $6,000. $8,000. and are starting to sell in the $10,000. + price range. Signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.

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Q: What is the value of a piece of paper autographed by Thurman Munson and Roy White?
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What is the value of a very clear Thurman Munson autograph on a index card?

A Thurman Munson autograph on a index card is worth about $500. - $800. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature.A cut signature has the lowest value for a signed item. A cut signature is a signature on a piece of paper, or "cut" from a larger piece. Index cards are the next step up, and both sell at a fraction (about 10%-20%) the price of an autographed baseball. The percentage of the price could also vary based on the popularity of the player, and how sought after the signature is.In a recent auction a Thurman Munson cut signature sold for $553.A Thurman Munson single signed baseball is worth between $6,000. $8,000. and are starting to sell in the $10,000. + price range. Signatures that have not been authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.

What is the value of a thurman munson autogragh on a plain piece of paper?

Thurman Munson Cut SignatureAn autograph signed on a piece of paper would be valued as a "cut signature." A Thurman Munson cut signature (signed on a piece of paper) is worth about $500.00 - $800.00 Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less.Cut Signatures are often cut from an item that has been ruined to save its value from such items as a cover of a publication, photograph, letter or notebook on which it was originally signed. Cuts are commonly used by collectors to display with a framed photo, or for inserts by baseball card companies.

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White Paper on Defence was created in 1964.

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paper isnt red you idiot, the paper is white because trees are white deep inside. If you dont see white, you are not deep enough

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white-paper development services In Lucknow

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Why do they make white a color pencil?

The simplest answer I can give for this is that not all paper is white. Construction and craft paper come in many colors, and if one wishes to draw a white object on said paper, they will need to color it in with white.