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The plaque is not the item of value it is to display the photo. The value will rely on the type of photo that is displayed. Today there are many mass produced 8 x 10 photos that can be easily bought for about $10. All photos will have a value but It all depends on what type of photo you have. The value of your photo will rely on if it is an original first generation photo made from the original negative, a snap shot taken, a news service photo, or a wire photo printed off a teletype machine. All are highly collectible, and can sell between $20. -$200. in general.

The photo could also be from a magazine premium or a team released photo sent to fans.

Contact me with more details or I can help you figure out what type of photo you have. For more information on vintage photos visit the link below Vintage Baseball Photos. You may find similar photos like yours

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15y ago

A Nolan Ryan single signed baseball is worth about $100.-$200. A Nolan Ryan signed Photo is worth about $75.-$120. Larger and more desired photos could sell for more. Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the baseball. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions. Inscriptions such as "5714" will sell for more. Personal Inscriptions like Good Luck Chuck" will sell for less. Signatures authenticated in person by a reputable company that uses holograms will sell at a higher value. In a recent auction a Nolan Ryan single signed baseball sold for $191.00

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