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Hockey was invented by British troops in Canada when they were bored they would get sticks and a ball (or a rock) That's how it was invented, it is Canada's national sport. Canada always wins.

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16y ago

According to "The etymology of the word hockey is uncertain. It may derive from the Old French word hoquet, shepherd's crook, or from the Middle Dutch word hokkie, meaning shack or doghouse, which in popular use meant goal. "

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16y ago

Ice Hockey

It seems no one really knows the origin of the game of hockey. Most people agree though that the modern game of ice hockey developed in Canada and Northern Europe.

Stan Fischler (1993) talks about a game similar to hockey (kolven) being popular in Holland in the 17th century. And in the 1820's the same sport was known to be played in an England community of Bury Fen in the 1820's.

Field Hockey was a popular sport played over 500 years ago. In Hockey for Dummies (1997), John Davidson links the roots of ice hockey with field hockey which was played in Northern Europe - most likely France and Great Britain. In winter months, die hard enthusiasts were known to play field hockey on frozen ice ponds.

Some history books say modern ice hockey originated in the mid-1850´s by British soldiers stationed in Canada. The first recorded game of ice hockey was organized by a McGill University student in Montreal on March 3, 1875, and was played by members of the McGill Football Club. Not long after, the first set of rules for this new sport were established by two McGill students, W.F. Robertson and R. F. Smith about 1879. The first hockey league was organized in Kingston, Ontario, in 1885, and it included four teams.

The first game in the United States is believed to have been played in 1893. By the beginning of the 20th century the sport had spread to Great Britain and other parts of Europe.

On November 22, 1917, in Montreal, the National Hockey League was formed. Originally composed only of a few Canadian teams, the NHL soon expanded to include teams from Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and New York. Today, the National Hockey League (NHL) is considered the highest professional form of ice hockey attainable.

Ice Hockey was added to the Olympic Games in 1920, being one of the most popular events at the Winter Olympics. Youth and adults of both sexes now participate in this game.

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Where was the hockey established?

Hockey is a very old sport. Very little is known about its origin.

Did field hockey evolve from another sport?

No. Originally "field hockey" was not called that, as at the time of origin there was only one type of hockey with variations, played around the world. Outside of America and Canada field hockey is known by its original and formal name of hockey. It is only after the popular growth of ice hockey and roller hockey in North America that the word "field" was added to distinguish it.

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