No. Originally "Field Hockey" was not called that, as at the time of origin there was only one type of hockey with variations, played around the world. Outside of America and Canada field hockey is known by its original and formal name of hockey. It is only after the popular growth of Ice Hockey and roller hockey in North America that the word "field" was added to distinguish it.
field hockey is an indoor sport and a outdoor sport
field hockey
field hockey
India has no official national sport according to the ministry of sports. However, as noted by Wikipedia, the de facto (unofficial) national sport is Field Hockey.
Ice Hockey
No, only ice hockey and field hockey are.
hockey (real hockey AKA field hockey)
Yes it is
lacrosse, field hockey, shinty(which is a scottish-irish sport which is like a mixture of rugby and hockey!)
The state sport of Pakistan is Field Hockey.
He was an Indian hockey player and played field hockey
The Beighton Cup is associated with field hockey.