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The name of the first republic after the Bolshevik Revolution was the "Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic." After the independent republics of Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) agreed to unite with the RSFSR in 1924, the name became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. or USSR.

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Q: What is the name of the first republic formed after the Bolshevik Revolution?
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What are the similarities of the french revolution and Chinese cultural revolution?

First, the Bolshevik Revolution is not the one of the two Russian Revolutions of 1917 that fits in the group. You want the March Revolution (the Bolshevik was the November Revolution). Anyway, the French, Chinese and March Revolutions all overthrew the monarchy of the country in favor of a different form of government. All the countries wanted republics. None gained republics for long. China and Russia turned communist in a Civil War and Bolshevik revolution respectively. And as for France, well, a short man with a short temper took over.

What was the Bolshevik army called?

The Bolshevik army was first called the Red Guard in the early days of the October Revolution. During the Russian Civil War, it became known as the Red Army.

Who was Leningrad named after?

Vladimir Lenin, first head of state of the USSR and Bolshevik leader of the 1917 October Revolution.

Who ran Russia before the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government first under Prince Georgy Lvov then under Alexander Kerensky were in charge of the government in Russia just before the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917. The Provisional Government had taken over from Tsar Nicholas II in March of that year.

What revolution did Lenin lead?

Lenin's Revolution is known as the October Revolution of 1917 or the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. There had been another Russian Revolution in 1917 called the February Revolution, but Lenin did not figure in that at all. He rose to power because of the October Revolution.

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This was overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government under Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution. It did not overthrow Tsar Nicholas II. He had already been overthrown by the February Revolution.

What is another term for the Russian revolution?

There were four Russian Revolutions. The first one was the Revolution of 1905. Then there was the February Revolution of 1917, then the more widely known one, the October Revolution, which is also named the Great October Socialist Revolution, Red October, October Uprising, or the Bolshevik Uprising. The latest was the 1991 Revolution, which ended the Soviet Union and formed the Russian Federation.

What did the Russian Revolution of 1917 establish?

There were two revolutions in 1917. The February Revolution ended the rule of the Tsars with the establishment of the Russian Provisional Government. The second revolution, the October Revolution , established Bolshevik/Communist rule in Russia. At first Russia became known as the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which later became the Soviet Union (USSR).

The first major world power to leave World War 1?

Russia as they were dealing with the Bolshevik Revolution

What are the similarities of the french revolution and Chinese cultural revolution?

First, the Bolshevik Revolution is not the one of the two Russian Revolutions of 1917 that fits in the group. You want the March Revolution (the Bolshevik was the November Revolution). Anyway, the French, Chinese and March Revolutions all overthrew the monarchy of the country in favor of a different form of government. All the countries wanted republics. None gained republics for long. China and Russia turned communist in a Civil War and Bolshevik revolution respectively. And as for France, well, a short man with a short temper took over.

What was the Bolshevik army called?

The Bolshevik army was first called the Red Guard in the early days of the October Revolution. During the Russian Civil War, it became known as the Red Army.

Who was Leningrad named after?

Vladimir Lenin, first head of state of the USSR and Bolshevik leader of the 1917 October Revolution.

Was the Russian Revolution of 1917 led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

There were two revolutions in 1917, but Lenin led only the second one. The first was the so-called February Revolution (also called the Patriotic Revolution). The second was the October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution).

Was the Red Army for or against the Bolsheviks?

The Red Army was for the Bolsheviks, since it formed at first out of the Red Guard that enabled the Bolsheviks to take over the government in the October Revolution of 1917. For all practical purposes the Red Army was a Bolshevik organization. There does seem to be a bit of gray areas concerning it. Most historians cite the Red Army as the defender of the Bolshevik Revolution. Others define the Red Army as an instrument of Lenin and was soon headed by Leon Trotsky.

Who ran Russia before the Bolshevik revolution?

The Russian Provisional Government first under Prince Georgy Lvov then under Alexander Kerensky were in charge of the government in Russia just before the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917. The Provisional Government had taken over from Tsar Nicholas II in March of that year.

First government the colonies formed after the revolution?

Articles of Confederation.