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Q: What is the medal that the first winner gets in the olympic?
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Who gets a medal in the Winter Olympics?

the winner

What are the 3 medals that are awarded at the games?

The winner of an event gets a gold medal, the second place finisher gets a silver medal, and the third place finisher gets a bronze medal.

Do an olympic gold medal gets paid for life?

No just for that one thing they maid

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The winner gets a bronze medal and comes third.

What was given to the winners of ancient olympic games?

VICTORY CEREMONIESThe Olympic victor received his first awards immediately after the competition. Following the announcement of the winner's name by the herald, a Hellanodikis (Greek judge) would place a palm branch in his hands, while the spectators cheered and threw flowers to him. Red ribbons were tied on his head and hands as a mark of victory. The official award ceremony would take place on the last day of the Games, at the elevated vestibule of the temple of Zeus. In a loud voice, the herald would announce the name of the Olympic winner, his father's name, and his homeland. Then, the Hellanodikis placed the sacred olive tree wreath, or kotinos, on the winner's head.

What reward could an Olympic champion expect to receive?

An Olympic champion receives a gold medal. The runner-up wins a silver medal and third place gets bronze.

Do the horses get any type of medal in the dressage competition?

Of course, since the horse is the true winner, it gets a medal as in any other competition. The trainer, however, gets a tyara as a consolation prize.

How much money does an athelete get for a gold medal?

Olympic athletes do not get paid for the medals they win. They do not receive pay for participating. U.S. medalists receive cash prizes from the U.S. Olympic committee. Gold medal winners receive $25,000, silver medal winners receive $15,000, and bronze medal winners receive $10,000.

What was the first prize awarded in the first Olympics?

If you mean what is the prize awarded for coming first in the Olympic games, this would be the gold medal. The medals awarded in each event are: Gold - first Silver - second Bronze - third In the ancient Olympics, winners were awarded a branch of wild olive. Sometimes the government would allow an Olympic champion to live in a special building that was only for distinguished citizens. Other winners would be exempt from paying taxes for winning an event in the ancient Olympics.

What is better silver medal or a gold medal?

A gold medal is the highest award in the olympics. it is awarded for coming first in an event. the person who comes second gets a silver medal, and the person who comes third gets a bronze medal.

How much an individual winner gets a price money in any games items in olympic games 2012?

They do not win prizes of money

What are the Olympic sailing rules?

Just been thnking the same question....and I found: Basically 11 races for most events, and the winner of each race is awarded one point, 2nd 2 points etc. Add all the points up and discard the worst score. A final medal race happens, and the points are doubled. So first gets 2 points, second 4 points etc. These results can not be discarded. Gold medal to the one with least points. If there's a draw on points, then the winner is the one that came in the higher placed position in the medal race. Simple, eh?