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New York Yankee Mickey Mantle's 643 foot home run on September 10, 1960 is the longest home run to be actually measured from point of content to landing site.

First recorded 450+-- Boston Red Sox rookie Babe Ruth hit a 470 foot home run on July 21, 1915

First recorded 500+-- Detroit Tiger Cecil Fielder hit a 502 foot home run on September 14, 1991

On May 22, 1963 Mantle hit a ball so hard that it was calculated in going 734 feet. Unfortunately, we will never know how far it actually would have gone since it hit the decorations hanging in Yankee Stadium.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

445ft 10in by glen gorbous on aug1, 1957

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βˆ™ 15y ago

about 80 yards in a game

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