1916 New York Giants -- their famous 26-0-1 streak (considered to be a win streak, since Baseball ignores tie games) was entirely at home.
The 1988 Boston Red Sox won 24 straight at Fenway, which I recall is the AL record. Wins on 6/25-29 (5), 7/15-24 (+11, 16, there's a doubleheader in there), 7/29-8/3 (+6, 22, another doubleheader), and 8/12-13 (+2, 24), finally losing to Detroit.
The NHL record of 20 consecutive home games won is shared by the Boston Bruins (1929-30) and the Philadelphia Flyers (1976).
Their longest streak of not winning the World Series is 24 years, from 1982 to 2006.
In 2008, the longest winning streak for the Seattle Mariners was four games. It ran from August 29th through September 1st.
2 gam
The Boston Bruins' longest streak was 14 games from December 3, 1929 to January 9, 1930
Joe Dimaggio 1941 56 straight games
As of Apr 18, 2013, Bryant University has the longest Division I Baseball winning streak, which is 19.
As of 7/22/09 the Phillies have won ten games in a row.
south carolina
Portsmouth, NH
I believe there longest winning streak was 13 wins
Their longest streak of not winning the World Series is 24 years, from 1982 to 2006.
the longest winning streak is 48 win-streak by Boston Collage
The Blue Jays' longest winning streak was 11 games in 1987 and 1998.
No, but i do beleive that the longest winning streak ever for MLB was 31 games straight, by the Oakland A's
Houston Rockets 22 winning streak