sunny kooner
I don't know the answer to this question, but I have heard that boxers train the hardest. A friend of mine claims that rowers train harder. I guess the critera would be twofold: Duration of training and intensity of training. I hope this gets the ball rolling and a definitive answer will be reached. I have heard that exactly Kobe Bryant and Michael Phelps are the hardest working athletes right now, but Tyson used to be the hardest working athlete along with Jordan. Which means probably it doesn't depend on sport , it depends on athlete how good he or she wants to be.
The prairie provinces were hardest hit by depression.
Earth would have to be the hardest of the Aristotelean Elements as it is the only solid one.
his hardest time was during world war 2 HE DIED
In my opinion the hardest sport to learn is ice hockey
baseball ... it has been proven that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports , pitching is the 3rd hardest and fielding is the 4th hardest ... and according to ESPN's degree of difficulty sports baseball is ranked a harder sport
its not! Gymnastics is
Boxing, by far.
Gymnastics is definitely a sport!! And it's one of the hardest sports out there!!
Hardy Brown
sunny kooner
The hardest sport in the world is Fishing. Yes it is a sport. Search it in Google.
Sport Science - 2007 Hardest Hits - 1.2 was released on: USA: 14 October 2007
problaby troy polamolu or bob sanders
no it isn't kicking a soccer ball is. it is a baseball because you have to trow a ball hit run to a base and slid
no there are much harder but since gymnastics is such a popular sport you have a lot of pressure. Dance is hard but not a olympic sport