The Cubs were 5-10 (5 wins, 10 Loses) against the Pirates in 2010 season.
Milwaukee won 7 gamesChicago won 10 games
1) 08-01 - vs Chicago Cubs 2) 08-02 - vs Chicago Cubs 3) 08-03 - vs Pittsburgh Pirates 4) 08-04 - vs Pittsburgh Pirates 5) 08-05 - vs Pittsburgh Pirates 6) 08-06 - vs Philadelphia Phillies 7) 08-07 - vs Philadelphia Phillies 8) 08-08- vs New York Mets 9) 08-09 - vs New York Mets 10) 08-10 - vs Los Angeles Dodgers 11) 08-11 - vs Los Angeles Dodgers 12) 08-12 - vs Los Angeles Dodgers 13) 08-14 - at Chicago Cubs 14) 08-15 - at Chicago Cubs 15) 08-16 - at Chicago Cubs 16) 08-17 - at Milwaukee Braves 17) 08-18 - at Milwaukee Braves 18) 08-19 - at Milwaukee Braves 19) 08-20 - at Milwaukee Braves 20) 08-22 - at New York Mets 21) 08-23 - at New York Mets 22) 08-24 - at Philadelphia Phillies 23) 08-25 - at Philadelphia Phillies 24) 08-26 - at Philadelphia Phillies 25) 08-28 - vs Milwaukee Braves 26) 08-29 - vs Milwaukee Braves 27) 08-30 - vs Milwaukee Braves 28) 08-31 - vs Cincinnati Reds
cubs vs white sox also known as: the crosstown classic.
Since 1981, what is the Alabama Vs. Auburn win/loss record?
7-3. 6 of the 10 games were played in Minnesota and the Twins won all 6. They went 1-3 in Texas.
The Cubs were 14-4 vs. the Pirates in 2008.
The Cubs won the series nine games to six.
2005: Cubs 11 wins, Pirates 5 wins 2006: Cubs 6 wins, Pirates 9 wins 2007: Cubs 8 wins, Pirates 7 wins 2008: Cubs 14 wins, Pirates 4 wins 2005-2008: Cubs 39 wins, Pirates 25 wins
The Cubs were 0-6 vs. the Marlins.
5- 2 Cubs
Milwaukee was 7-10 in games vs. the Cubs in 2009
Phillies had 4 wins and 3 losses over the Cubs in 2008
In head-to-head play in 2009, the Cubs have 3 wins and the Dodgers have 5 wins.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are 373-294 vs the Pirates. But throughout the entire history of the Dodgers franchise (Brooklyn and LA), they are 2,123-1,122 (as of January 2013).
Milwaukee won 7 gamesChicago won 10 games
6 - 6
In head-to-head competition in 2009, the Cubs won 6 games, and the Cardinals won 10.