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your best pitch. Mine is fastball low and away, but yours is probably different

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Q: What is the best pitch for a strikeout?
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What is a strikeout in Baseball?

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If there are 2 strikes and 3 balls in the pitch count what is that called?

turkey if you hit 3 consecutive strikes. However...if you hit two i call it " a double martini shot" i gave it a name lol

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What does k stand for in a baseball box score?

k stands for strikeout looking K stands for strikeout swinging

Who is the Toughest hitter to strike out in the major leagues today?

The player that played in the 2009 season that has been the toughest to strikeout during his career is Juan Pierre of the Los Angeles Dodgers who has averaqed, over his career, 1 strikeout every 16.4 at bats. Second toughest to strikeout is Placido Polanco of the Detroit Tigers who has a career average of 1 strikeout every 14.1 at bats.For the 2009 season, the toughest batter to strikeout has been Dustin Pedroia of the Boston Red Sox who has averaged 1 strikeout every 13.8 at bats.

What is a ''K'' in baseball history?

A Strikeout

Does the pitcher get an assist on a strikeout in baseball?


What does the K stand for in softball?

A 'K' is a strikeout where the batter swung at strike three. A 'k' is a strikeout where the batter did not swing at strike three.

How do you display strikeout in HTML?

To display strikeout text use the <strike> tags. Example: <strike>Text</strike> Should Display: Text