

Best Answer
  • Obviously depends upon your fitness and, in particular, your endurance.To use myself as an example, over a 21.7km course my average pace will be almost identical (maybe 1/10th of a km per hour off) to my 5km run pace.Generally speaking, you have to be a fairly stong runner to make it in under 1hr 30 min, very stong to make it in under 1hr 20min.For most people with decent running ability a sub 2 hour time should be achievable, however if not used to the endurance aspect it should be noted that many people 'hit the wall' at around the 1/2 to 2/3rd mark (primarily due to going out too hard at the start & trying to keep pace with the lead pack) Running a 1/2 marathon for an avg man in the 30-34 brackets,,,,1:35:00-1:40:00 thats with training. Hill works is what you want when getting faster.

To improve upon the above answer:

  • It would be suicide to attempt to race a half marathon at the same pace one would race a 5K. If the original poster actually does this, he is merely running all races at a comfortable pace...not actually racing.
  • Typically, 5K pace would be 30-40 seconds faster a mile than half marathon pace. In other words, if you can run a 5K in 21 minutes (about a 6:45 pace), your half marathon pace would be about 7:15.
  • "Hill work is what you want" to get faster may or may not be true. For any runner, more MILES equals faster times. It's that simple. Once you have a consistent base of miles, adding speedwork (not hills) is your best bet. Hills definitely can make you stronger, but head to the track first.
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Q: What is the average time to finish a half marathon?
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Average times to finish a marathon?

In US marathons held during 2012, the average finish time for men was 4:18. The average finish for women was 4:43.

What is the average time to run a marathon?

In US marathons held during 2012, the average finish time for men was 4:18. The average finish for women was 4:43.

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In the United States, the average finishing time for marathons in 2011 was 4:37 (10:34/mile pace), according to

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You'll get your answer after the running of the Mount Lemmon Marathon.

What is a good time to finish a half marathon?

I am a female almost 36 years old and I just completed my first half marathon. I ran it in 2 hours and 33 minutes (11.5 minute miles). My only goal was to stay at a slow jog through the whole race slowing down to walk only long enough to hydrate.

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Robin Quivers finished the 2010 NYC Marathon in 6 hours and 9 minutes.

Is 2 hrs and 9 minutes a good time for a half marathon?

if its your goal