Unlike other sports, like football, soccer, or Basketball, a foul in Baseball has nothing to do with the player. It has to do with the batted ball. If the ball, when hit, lands outside of the dimensions of "fair territory," it's a foul ball.
Here is an excerpt from the MLB rulebook"
A FOUL BALL is a batted ball that settles on foul territory between home and first
base, or between home and third base, or that bounds past first or third base on or over foul territory, or that first falls on foul territory beyond first or third base, or that, while on or over foul territory, touches the person of an umpire or player, or any object foreign to the naturalground.
A foul fly shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul
line, including the foul pole, and not as to whether the infielder is on foul or fair territory at the time he touches the ball.
Rule 2.00 (Foul Ball) Comment: A batted ball not touched by a fielder, which hits the pitcher's rubber and rebounds into foul territory, between home and first, or between home and third base is a foul ball.
FOUL TERRITORY is that part of the playing field outside the first and third base
lines extended to the fence and perpendicularly upwards.
A FOUL TIP is a batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher's
hands and is legally caught. It is not a foul tip unless caught and any foul tip that is caught is a strike, and the ball is in play. It is not a catch if it is a rebound, unless the ball has first touched the catcher's glove or hand.
For more baseball rules and links to baseball and softball rules see:
In baseball there is a 4 foul streak before you are out and if you catch a foul, you are out.
1 rule is if the ball is not fully over the foul line it is not a out or a foul no matter how big or small the ball is if the ball touched anything else it does not cout if another player is on the feild sitting and it touched them it still counts
Baseball Library.com says White Sox centerfielder Johnny Mostil once caught a foul ball in a spring training game. http://www.baseballlibrary.com/baseballlibrary/ballplayers/M/Mostil_Johnny.stm
Professional foul
fowl = birds foul = as in a foul ball in baseball
foul ball
Once a baseball hits the foul pole, it's a home run regardless of where it goes.
It's Foul not fal, might sound similar and "foul" means the ball is out of play.
If you hit the baseball inside the 1st or 3rd base line.
yes. however, if the baseball goes out of "bounds", its called foul.
In baseball there is a 4 foul streak before you are out and if you catch a foul, you are out.
Wrigley Field has the longest foul lines in baseball at 355' to left field, and 353' to right field.
Yes, it is a home run if the baseball hits the foul pole.
as many times as you want
There is no limit; however, if a foul ball is caught by the other team, then the batter is out.
A Baseball player hitting foul after foul is done more so to stay alive (not strike out) then to work the pitcher ... You have to keep in mind that the batter him self is using up energy to hit the ball foul ... The batter would rather get a hit then repetitively hitting the ball foul ...