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Then someone else gets in the gear, or that team plays without one (using a sixth/eleventh ice/field player instead).

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Q: What happens if both goalies get injured during the hockey game?
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Related questions

Did 2 goalies ever play in net at the same time in a hockey game?

I believe there's two goalies in every hockey game.

How many goalies are in ice hockey?


Is ice hockey dangeerous?

Somewhat, yes. Most hockey players will get injured during their careers.

Who uses the biggest mitt in the pros?

Hockey goalies

During a hockey game can you have two goalies out on one team at once?

During play, only one goalie is allowed on the ice per team.

Why do hockey goalies change goals?

He skates to the other side?

What is a hockey card?

a card that has a players/ goalies stats and his picture

What do goalies on ice hockey do?

Their primary job is to keep the puck from going into the net.

What is it called in hockey when they puck goes through the goalies leg?

Five Hole

What can be the least amount of players on the ice during a hockey game with penalties?

The answer is 8, including goalies. Teams can have a minimum of 3 skaters each on the ice at all times. <a href="">Hockey Tracker - NHL Analysis and Trade Rumors</a>

Where can one buy skates for hockey goalies?

One can buy skates for hockey goalies at sports stores such as Modell's, Dick's or any skate shops at local ice rinks. One can also purchase these skates at online sites such the sports stores' online website.

Why do hockey backup goalies always wear a hats on the bench?

Because they are too ashamed to be sitting on the bench