Games like Pokemon and websites like and CoolMathgamesand are really fun games for boys. Even though I'm not a boy, having a brother and not being an all-girly girl is good enough! And don't judge me, these are fun games! I have proof! Check it out!!!
boys are more popular with soccer unlike boys from Australia and girls like volleyball
Boys made up their own games, while girls probly sewed dolls
they would play sports like we do just not competively as we do
In colonial Pennsylvania, children played many games that we still play today like leap frog, marbles, and hopscotch. There are also games like Blind man (like Marco Polo), puzzles, tops, Jacob's ladders (doll made out of wood), and dolls (girls used dolls to practice sewing). Other games that all ages play are, fox and geese (board game), checkers, hull, and gull. Children loved playing outside, boys had more freedom then girls.
Girls can play any sport that boys can play. You might want to watch a few films about this subject, including the fun and heartwarming Bend It Like Beckham.
what ever boys play
Sure, if you like the game, go ahead and play it!
in soviet russia, russians don't play games, games play russians
My guess is play video games and listen to music
pretty much but u can see both the boys when u play.
I am 100% a boy and i like games like computer play station ect.
No they don't but girls can also play games like boys if they want im a girl and i play need for speed and love the speed and the police after me so both play race/driving games ;)
because they are ladies i think they havnot interest in boys game
more boys do its a fact
no, boys and girls can both play the sims games
Sometime there are gay or then just like play the game