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(Team Sports / Football Terms (both Rugby & Soccer)) Football the tactic of trying to stay very close to the opposition when they are in possession of the ball.

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Q: What does word pressing mean in football?
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What does the 1000 mean on a football?

It is the 'name' of the football .... the Wilson 1000.

How did you come up with the name soccer?

Football in England is run by the Football Association. Rugby is known as Rugby Football. To distinguish between the two people called football Association Football. The word 'association' was eventually shortened to 'soccer' by the general public.

How many quarters are in a football game?

... A quarter is the mathematical definition of one fourth of a whole, so obviously four.According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, a football match is played in two equal halves (not quarters). In the event that you're talking about American football, the answer is four--which is actually evident from the word "quarters" regardless of what sport you mean.

Does soccer have another name for it like football?

Soccer is referred to as football in the United Kingdom.Answer'Soccer' is alternative name for 'Association Football'. The word Soccer started as a phonetically abbreviated vernacular word for Association football coined by English public school students who took the 'soc' from 'Association' and put an 'er' on the end. The same students called Rugby football 'Rugger' but this word has largely fallen out of use. Typically an Oxford University student who played Association football and Rugby football would be described as "an Oxforder who plays Soccer and Rugger". Association Football was coded in 1863 and this is why prior to this the word Soccer did not exist.

What does l.f.p. mean?

Liga de futbol profesional (Spanish football league) or Ligue de football professionnel (league of professional football, France)

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When you say football to Italians do they think you mean soccer?

dude every country other than America uses the word football to mean football, as you play football with your feet hence football.....

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SSPD stands for the word suspended when referring to Fantasy Football.

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At the front in front like the they say the word in football

Can you give me a sentence using the word pressing?

I have some pressing news. The girl is pressing my shirt right now. I was pressing too hard.

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Original Pressing (First Pressing)

How do you get the football in Poptropica?

Press Ctrl Shift R and you will change character. Keep pressing Ctrl Shift R until you get the football in your hand.

What does the German word strum in English mean?

The Word strum does not exist in German, however the word Sturm does. It means:StormTempestGaleAssaultVolley (figurative)Attack (football)

What does the word foot mean in french?

foot refers to "football" in french (both words are used)

What do you mean by the word passing in basketball?

It means that it was intercepted like in football.