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Q: What do the terms first flight and second flight have to do with the vault exercise?
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What do the terms first flight and second flight mean?

'first flight of stairs' means go up the first set of stairsFirst flight also means as in airplanes, the 1st flight you go on.

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In terms of albums, Tormented was their first independent release. In terms of singles, the first to be released was the song "Mudshovel" from their second album Dysfunction.

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Canada is second country in the world, in terms of size

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in my opinion the way we can be healthier in terms of exercise and nutrition is to eat a lot of protein and carbs

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What are the terms used to classify sprains?

they are classified as first, second, or third-degree, or grade

How do you use the foil method the find the product of two binomials?

First ("first" terms of each binomial are multiplied together)Outer ("outside" terms are multiplied-that is, the first term of the first binomial and the second term of the second)Inner ("inside" terms are multiplied-second term of the first binomial and first term of the second)Last ("last" terms of each binomial are multiplied)The general form is: (A+B)(C+D) = AC + AD + BC + BDWhere AC is the first, AD is the outer, BC is the inner, and BD is the last.So:(X+4)(X-5)= X^2 - 5X + 4X - 20= X^2 - 1X - 20

How many of your first 10 presidents served 2 terms?

5 of the first 10 presidents were re-elected for a second term.

9 over 2 to the second power?

The question as stated could mean either (9/2)2 or 9/22. The first is 81/4 in lowest terms, while the second is 9/4 in lowest terms.

Who was the 32nd vice president?

John Nance Garner, during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first and second terms.

What is second helpings in terms of food?

A second helping, or "seconds," is when one has eaten all of their first plate or portion of food, and then gets another (second) plate or portion during the same meal.

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First Noble Truth, Second Noble Truth, Third Noble Truth and Fourth Noble Truth are the terms of enlightenment in each religion.