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Its there age.

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Q: What do the numbers on the referee's shirt mean?
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Related questions

What does the colored stripes mean on hockey officials?

The officials that have the orange stripes around the upper arm area of their shirt are the referees. Those that don't have the orange stripes are the linesmen.

Why do only some players in the 2010 World Cup have black stripes on their shirt?

Those are referees.

What are the colors of a referees shirt in most American sports?

In American sports, the referees usually wear black and white striped shirts. In the NBA, the officials wear grey shirts.

What does the number on cricket shirt mean?

The numbers on cricket shirts refers to player numbers. This is similar to the jersey numbers assigned to the tee shirts of football players. It is used to identify the player who is wearing the tee shirt.

How are the numbers chosen for NHL referees?

They chose their own numbers. When a new referee/linesman begins reffing the nhl, he gets to choose one that's not already taken. The referees have numbers from 2 to 49. The linesmen from 50 to 98. Number 1 and 99 are retired and cannot be chosen.

What does size ym mean in football shirt size?

mabey youth medium i think unless youre talking numbers

What year did NHL referees stop wearing name plates and change to numbers on their sweaters?

This practise of wearing numbers only was started in the 1994/95 NHL season.

What does order ref mean?

order referees so u can love them with all your heart

What is the history of the black and white stripes on referee's shirt?

The history of the black and white stripes on referees shirts is due to the fact that they are a neutral official used to oversee the sport in question.

What does Are you known to your referees by any other name mean?

This question is asking if your referees know you by any other name or alias. It is important to provide accurate information so they can properly identify you when contacted.

How many referees in the handball game?

i think there are four referees.

Does soccer have requirements?

Yes, you must where shin pads, stockings over them and studded shoes when playing soccer. Also, most referees expect to see respect in which the players tuck in their shirt.