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There are four referees in an official FIFA world cup game. There is the main referee on the field with the players. There are the two linesmen (or assistant referees). Then there is the fourth refereee, who keeps track of time, substitutions and so on.

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Q: How many referees are there at an official FIFA World Cup Game?
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How may refs for a soccer game?

Generally 3. Referee, and two Assistant Referees. However in higher standards there are sometimes 4. Referee, two Assistant Referees and a 4th Official. In European game, and also International matches, there can be up to 6. Referee, two Assistant Referees, 4th Official and then 2 officials who stand on the goal line.

How many referees are in a baseball game?

There are four referees in a baseball game.

The least amount of referees in a game?

The least amount would be four. The referee, two linesmen and the fourth official.

What benefits did McDonald's receive from sponsoring the 2014 FIFA World Cup?

McDonald's is one of FIFA's official sponsors, and enjoyed a wide variety of benefits from international exposure during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. To become an official sponsor, McDonald's Corporation pays FIFA an estimated USD $10-25 million a year. In exchange, the McDonald's logo and namesake feature prominently on both FIFA's official website, as well as in-game. Sponsors also receive special reserved airtime for commercials during match half-times. McDonald's was also named the Official Restaurant of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, further boosting international recognition and advertising.

How many referees in world cup game?

There are four referees for each game, the main referee the two linesmen and the fourth referee who shows the time and change in number of the player.

How many officials control a game of soccer?

There are usually four officials controlling a soccer match: one Referee, two Assistant Referees, and a Fourth Official. In non-professional games, the Fourth Official is usually not present. In some youth games (U10 and below in the US), the offside law is not applied, and so the Assistant Referees are also not used. To confound things more, there is a FIFA sanctioned experiment in the use of two Additional Assistant Referees stationed near the goals (one on each side). There may also be Reserve Assistant Referees who take no part in the match unless an Assistant Referee is unable to continue.

What do referees use to indicate a player violation in a game in the world cup?

He blows the whistle , and stops the game.

How many referees in the handball game?

i think there are four referees.

Does FIFA 10 have the world cup?

No it do not, Fifa 10 or any other fifa is just a simple game to play leagues and friendlies.No world cup in them.