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No lights, no big tv screens, manual scoreboards, and bleachers. They were a lot smaller than all of our huge stadiums.

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Q: What did the baseball stadiums look like in the 1930s?
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Before they moved to Soldier Field, for example, the Chicago Bears played in Wrigley Field. They looked similar to today's stadiums without the fancy VIP boxes. Football was also played at Fenway Park.

What did the cars look like in the 1930s?

Check out this site from Wikipedia,

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The pretzel twist was actually a religious food before being in Baseball stadiums worldwide. An Italian Monk gave his followers or students those pretzels which were to look like someone praying (palms of the hands touch together).

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Stadiums for soccer were very different when soccer first started. They nowhere near as large and spacious as today's stadiums nor as glamourous to look at. They mainly consisted of some area for the spectator's to sit/stand and included the football pitch.

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It is cork.

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a torn up inside of a baseball today

What does a coin from the 1930s look like?

For one thing, the date on the coin will read 1930 through 1939. Beyond that, you'll have to ask about a specific country and denomination.

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It looks like a baseball with a lot of players autographs on it...what else..

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Cardamom seeds are not similar to poppy seeds.