what did the first telegraph look like?
That has to do with the direction the grass is cut. By cutting strips of grass in different directions it can be made to look like dark strips are next to light strips.
the series of life or death
One of the first books looks old. They did not have color. I checked. They were very old. They were in black and white. If you don't believe in this answer please check on another website and check it out.
The first golf clubs actually looked like clubs. They did not have stylized heads or shafts as are in existence today.
what did the first telegraph look like?
It is cork.
Dolphins first look like human baby's with fins
What does Cellulitis in the foot look like when it first starts
Scout and Jem's snowman is first made to look like Mr. Avery.
Like an amoeba
It looks like a baseball with a lot of players autographs on it...what else..
look ugly
its look like a small guitar and it is also like an bandies
First he'll (or she will) look like Winston Churchill. But for later on, first look at each other, but then take a longer look at your (both of you) siblings and parents.
They look like cherries that are blue and yellow.
They looked like they were today