A crown of olive leafs.
No. The Olympics were only track and field and the winners received laurel leaf crowns.
An olive wreath
they receive gold medals, but each one gets to choose YEAHH!
Any Greek that deserved to win and could/did compete in the olympics. Sorry I don't know much about the greek olympics. One person who won was remaro carne
A medal.The colours of the medals are gold,silver and bronze.
the winners receive medals - gold silver or bronze
A head wreath.
olive crown
The fhfhnbgfdyd
no the medalist do not receive cash prize
The ancient victors of the Olympics received a crown made from Olive Leaves.
The winners of 4th through 8th place in the Olympics do not receive any medals. Only the 1st through 3rd place winners get medals.
No, just a crown of laurel leaves.
Olive wreaths. they were honored greatly also
They got medals.
A crown of olive leafs.