

Did the winners get medals in the ancient Greek Olympics?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No, just a crown of laurel leaves.

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Q: Did the winners get medals in the ancient Greek Olympics?
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What would the winners of the ancient Greek Olympics receive as their reward?

A medal.The colours of the medals are gold,silver and bronze.

What was placed on the heads of winners in the ancient Greek Olympics?

A crown of olive leafs.

Who were the winners of Ancient Greek Olympics?

Any Greek that deserved to win and could/did compete in the olympics. Sorry I don't know much about the greek olympics. One person who won was remaro carne

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4 Because they needed more respect ihfdr

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The Olympics is an Ancient Greek festival.

What did the winners in ancient greek Olympics get?

Well they win nothing but they have a ribbon tied around their head and sometimes people throw flowers and roses at the people.

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You had to be 7 years of age or older to compete in the Ancient Greek Olympics.

Why medals used in the Olympics have the goddess Nike in it?

Nike is the greek god of sports. The olympics are a greek sport. They ar putting a tribute to the greek culture

How were the winners determined in the ancient greek Olympics?

its as simple as "who ever finishes first" for running events, however for wrestling events and stuff ... ask someone smarter (:

Where were the men that participated in ancient Greek Olympics from?

Greek Greek Greek

What was the Pancratium in ancient Greek times?

a sport that was held in the ancient greek Olympics

What did you win if you won the greek Olympics?

In the earliest Olympics, the Greek athletes competed for prizes such as tax breaks, huge monetary prizes, and crowns of olive branches. Most of the rewards received in the past are the ancient equivalent of today's medals and bouquet of flowers.