Leon Trotsky was one of the Communist leaders of the Russian Revolution in 1917. He died in 1924.
Leon Trotsky was born Lev (Leiba) Davidovich Bronshtein. He was born on November 7, 1879 near Yelizavetgrad in the Russian Empire.
When Trotsky was falling ill in 1923 with malaria like infection Lenin was dying and Trotsky needed to be at his most active. In 1924 Lenin passed away and Trotsky was recovering from his illness. Trotsky telephoned Stalin to ask the date of when the funeral was, Stalin replied with 'On Saturday, you can't get back in time anyway so we advise you to carry on with your treatment'. This in fact was a lie and the funeral was on Sunday and Trotsky could have reached Moscow by then. Where as at the funeral it looked bad on Trotsky for not turning up and Stalin went as chief mourner. so Trotsky was tricked
Leon Rom died in 1924.
Russian revolutionary and Marxist, Leon Trotsky was born November 7, 1879. His birth name was Lev Davidovitch Bronshtein, and he was the founder and first leader of the Red Army. In 1940, he was assassinated in Mexico City on Stalin's orders.
The cast of Pervoe Maya v Moskve - 1923 includes: Leon Trotsky as himself
Joseph Stalin opposed Trotsky in their struggle for power after Vladimir Lenin died in 1924.
Leon Trotsky was murdered in 1940.
Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
Trotsky created his own fraction in the CPSU(B) (wich was not allowed) and broke with everything the party stood for so he was gotten rid of.
Joseph Stalin's rival for control of the Soviet Union was Leon Trotsky. Vladimir Lenin died in 1924 and over the next 5 years Stalin would kill or otherwise remove all of his political opponents and rivals and exile Trotsky. He eventually had Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City in 1940.
Leon Trotsky died on August 21, 1940 at the age of 60.
Trotsky was murdered in Mexico.
After spending imprisonment in Siberia, Leon Trotsky was allowed to live, by Stalin. Trotsky began his exile in Turkey in Alam Ata.
Leon Trotsky built the Red Army into an efficient military organization.
After Vladimir Lenin died, Stalin's rivals for power were Leon Trotsky, Grigori Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev and Nikolai Bukharin.
Leon Trotsky got killed with an ice pick in Mexico in 1940, it is still debatable today whether this was the work of Stalin, however the attacker was an undercover NKVD agentRamón Mercader.