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James Naismith obtained his diploma from McGill's Presbyterian College of Theology in in Montreal, Quebec. He then attended the Y.M.C.A. International Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. During his second year at the Springfield Y.M.C.A., Naismith was placed in charge of the indoor physical education program.

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Q: What college did James Naismith go to?
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Basketball was built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

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Basketball, Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

Was James Naismith black?

No, James Naismith was white.

Invented the american game of basketball?

James Naismith was the Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891 when he was theat Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts (1890 to 1895)

Was James Naismith rich?

It is not known if James Naismith was rich or not. James Naismith is the creator of the sport, basketball. Basketball was invented in 1891.

Why is James Naismith famous?

James Naismith is famous because he invented basketball.

What event happen in 1891?

Dr. James Naismith invented the game of "basket ball" (its original name) at Springfield College, in Springfield, Massachusetts.

What are James Naismith's accomplishments?

James Naismith invented basket ball.

what color did James Naismith have?

I think James Naismith had blond hair