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Here is a list of San Francisco Giants pitchers who have worn No. 50 since 1958:

1. John Montefusco (1974).

2. Jeff Stember (1980)

3. Scott Garrelts (1983-91).

4. Greg Brummett (1993).

5. William Van Landingham (1994-97).

6. Julian Taverez (1998-99).

7. Manny Aybar (2002-2003).

8. Kevin Correia (2003).

9. Brett Tomko (2004-2005).

10. Matt Palmer (2008).

11. Jose Mijares (2012-2013).

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14y ago

Out of not too many players that wore the number 50, Sid Fernandez, Matt Lawton, and Jimmie Reese are the most famous.

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