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A lance .

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Q: What are those big long sticks people use in jousting?
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Related questions

What is water-jousting?

you know normal jousting is done on horse back and people knock each other off with long poles, it is the same but your in pool on rocks and the first guy to fall in the water loses.

What is a competition between two knights where they try to knock each other off of their horses?

I think u r talking about a medievil joust. This is when u ride on a horse and u have a big stick with a point on the end that u stab people with.

How long is the wooden fence in a medieval jousting tournament?

Like 10

How long would a jousting pole have to be to push over the Eiffel tower from England?

that depends whereabouts in England you are

How long did jousting last for?

a match- 30 min- 1 hr tournament- few months by JL

What are long sticks?


How many 6-inch-long sticks can be cut from a 72-inch-long stick?

I think the answer is 12 long sticks.

What is the name of jousting armor?

The armor worn for jousting is called a "suit of armor" or "jousting armor." It is designed to provide protection to the rider during the physical combat of the joust. This armor is typically heavier and more reinforced than regular armor to withstand the impact of the jousting lance.

How long are lollipop sticks?


If you had to choose among sticks of different lengths which one would you choose?

This sounds like one of those homework questions where you are supposed to pick the length that would do a certain thing. Measure the sticks and see which one is long or short enough to do whatever the teacher asked.

What did people do for fun long ago?

they play with sticks physical activities like running racing wooden balls they live simple life

How long have rain sticks been around?

= rain sticks been around for more than thousands of years =