Some old stone age names age olga, ayla and gam.
Williams and Johns are very old surnames.
The cahuilla Indians used old dinosaur bones and hard boogers for clubs
Rose & Anne & Betty are old names and I know Rose was a very popular name in the 1800's. :)
40 years old
Interesting question to say the least. You will find that a lot of UK golf clubs have age limits, usually 11 years old. But there are some clubs with children much younger. No official statistics to support your question.
You might try they auction golf memorabilia including Old Hickory clubs. I believe they have a golf Blog you can ask questions about golf memorabilia.
Nothing for the name and precious little for being old. Golf Clubs don't make good antiques especially when they have been outdated by new technology.
You can find just about anything you desire at rummage sales, including complete sets of golf clubs if the individual having the rummage sale has an old set of golf clubs they are wanting to sell.
Depends on which make they are and who used them. Very little if they are just general play clubs. But could be worth some money if they are very old. Try eBay or a collector.
only for 75 year old women
There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to, but some golf clubs have different rules. Some you have to be accompanied by an adult of age 18 or more, and some you have to be at a certain level. Check your club rules to make sure.
Umm, not really I have some myself and they are from the mid 60's. They are old but I still use the irons.
if you are still hitting good i see no need to update them, but if you are not hitting acceptably you should probably update your clubs
circa 1979
Many public golf courses will allow you to work when you are fifteen (assuming you have a ride). Most country clubs would like you to be sixteen or older.