depends on the helmet. Its just plastic on the outside, it is the shape that helps to dispense impact. Inside there can be a variety of materials. Foam and Styrofoam are in most of the low end helmets, while a lot of the pro helmets have an air cushion system. The "plastic" is polycarbonate.
The new Vietnam War US Army M1 steel helmets made in the 1960's, were manufactured from re-cycled automobiles (scrapped cars).
They started wearing helmets when a guy got tackled and he got an injury so they decided to make an invention that protects your head from you getting hurt. It's made of hard steel so when you bump into somebody you don't get an injury. That's when they started making helmets......
Modern US army helmets are made from Kevlar.
Football and aviation (pilot) helmets were constructed of leather.
These quality helmets are made in the country of Korea. They are made from composite resins and are precision made. They are extremely durable and light.
Hockey helmets were also not used till the 1970s and were directed by the National Hockey League during 1979-1980.
lots of places
Chin straps come in handy by securing a helmet to the head. The are used for baseball helmets, football helmets, combat helmets, hockey helmets, and motorcycle helmets.
they dont have figure skating helmets. its useless only hockey, and speed skating has helmets
Old hockey is almost no rules with no helmets and no glass and fights that go on until one is out cold.
Helmets are mostly made from polystyrene
Pro hockey and speed skaters wear helmets but pro figure skaters don't.
Bauer hockey gear can be purchased from Bauer's site. Bauer offers a variety of hockey gear, including sticks, skates, goalie gear, pants, gloves, and helmets.
Gloves, stick, hockey skates, ordinary underwear, a neck/throat guard, hockey trousers, team sweater
in ice hockey you will need a helmet neck guard chest protecter/shoulder pads elbow pads, jack(M) or jill(F) hockey pants, hockey socks, shin pads and good skates.
Skateboard helmets were never really invented for the purpose of just skateboarding. The first skateboarding helmets were rudimentary hockey helmets, made by companies like Cooper and Norcon, because there were no helmets made for skateboarding, and these were light and relatively inexpensive. The first helmets made for skaters were probably the Flyaway helmets in the late 1970s. Around this same time, other brands started marketing their existing safety helmets, which could be used for bikes, hockey, hanggliding, or any other activity, directly to skateboarders. Very few companies have made specific safety changes geared at skateboarding during this time. Protec has been the leader in sales of skateboarding helmets, and their design and materials have stayed largely the same over the last thirty years, with only minor tweaks. Several other companies have entered the market, but have not been able to gain a large enough share of the business to maintain longevity. Since skaters, for better or worse, care as much or more about appearance as they do about safety, this trend seems likely to continue.