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The rings don't really represent a specific country. The five rings represent the major inhabited areas of the world, with the Americas being counted as one and Oceania including Australia and the other Pacific Islands. The colors show at least one of the colors in each of the flags of all the countries in the world. The Red and Blue, along with the white background are inclusive of the United States (and Great Britain and France among others).

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11y ago

Blue, yellow, black, green & red. At least one of these colours is found on the flag of every country competing in the Olympic games. They originally came from the union of continents in the Olympics games which were Africa, north & south Americas, Asia, Oceania & Europe. Traditionally in Europe, once the Olympic flame is lit during the olympic torch relay to it's final destination at the home ground, it can not got out. It's meant to be a bad omen for the games if it does. This year it went out while in the hands of footballer David Beckham!.....Big whoops! Uh oh ;)

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What are the specific colors in the Olympic rings signify or mean?

They mean unity. Every country in the olympics has at least one of the colours in the rings

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Why are there 5 Olympic ring?

The 5 Olympic rings represent the5 main continents, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Oceania and Africa. Also every country flag in the world has at least 1 of the colours in the Olympic rings.

Why are the rings those clors?

The Olympic rings are those colours because every country's flag has at least one colour in common with the logo.

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the olympic rings

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ghjkfyuifyujgyuyui78kiyui78iiuiyuiyuiyuuyuiyu why do the olympic rings never changes colour

What represent the Olympic rings?

The Five Rings on the Olympic Flag The rings on the Olympic flag represent the five continents of the world that have come together in the Olympic spirit. Every country in the world has at least one of the colors of the rings in their flag. The colors blue, yellow, black, green, and red on a white field. The colors of the rings represent the flags of the countries that participate in the Olympics. The five regions: Africa, Americas (North and South America are combined) Asia Europe Oceania

How high are the Olympic rings on the London bridge?

The Olympic rings are on Tower Bridge - not London Bridge.

What do the colours of the Olympic rings represents?

the 5 olympic rings stand for the 5 contenents of the world

When did the olympic rings come out?

The olympic rings came out in 1913 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin who is also the founder of the modern Olympic Games. These rings represent the five continents.