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In 1994 the NFC Central had four teams go to the playoffs. Minnesota Vikings winning the division with a 10-6 record and Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions, and Chicago Bears all had 9-7 and all beat the New York Giants (also 9-7) in a tie for the wild cards. This was the most teams in the playoffs from one division that ever was and ever will be thanks to the new division setup in 2002.

Before the new divisions in 2002 there were three wild cards in each conference and only three divisions in each conference so having 3 teams in one season wasn't uncommon and happened regularly in the NFC East, which gave the NFC East the reputation of being the toughest division.

However, since 2002 there are only two wild cards from each conference and each conference has four divisions, so it's impossible to have four playoff teams from the same division. Although, it is still possible to have three teams from the same division go to playoffs and in the past ten years, since 2002, this has happened four times, twice in NFC East (2006, 2007), once in AFC South (2007), and once in AFC North last year (2011); and by the looks of the NFC this year (2012) it could happen again.

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Q: What NFL division had the most teams in the playoffs in one season?
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How many 8-8 teams NFL playoffs?

Most teams get to make the playoffs at 8&8 if that is your question?

Has an NFL team ever missed the playoffs after winning every division game?

The 2010 Raiders won all 6 of their division games. Not only did they miss the playoffs, they still managed to finish 3rd in their own division. The 9-7 Chargers finished 2nd and also missed the playoffs.

How many games does a NFL team need to win to be in the playoffs?

Mathematically speaking, 3 wins is the required minimum for a team to make the playoffs in the current format. If each team in the division won their home games against their division rivals they would each have 3 wins. Conisder that all non-division teams beat them they would all have a record of 3-13. At least 1 team would be the winner of the division and thereby make it into the playoff wildcard game as a 4th seed, which most undoubtedly they would lose.

Who threw the most interceptions?

Brett Favre - 366 interceptions in his career, regular season and playoffs.

How do they determine who is in the NFL playoffs?

In the simplest terms, the club with the better regular season record (their win-loss percentage) receives home field advantage (I want to say this has been the case since 1975). Which means that a wild-card team will never play at home in the first or second round of the playoffs because they always face a higher ranked team. For that matter, it is unlikely they will host any playoff game, unless the fifth and sixth seeded teams (the two wild-card teams) were to end up playing each other for the conference championship. Here is a lot more information from dealing with tiebreakers (used to determine home field at the end of the season). It might look a little overwhelming, but most of the rules are never needed (as you'll read, technically a coin toss could decide venue, but that's pretty unlikely). Enjoy. Well, its not the team with the better record that plays at home on wildcard weekend, but the team that won their division. A #4 seed will have home field advantage over a wildcard 5 seed, even if the 5 seed had a better record, as happened in the wildcard game between the patriots and jaguars during wildcard weekend 2006, for the 2005 season. The term "wild card round" is somewhat of a misnomer. In the first round of the playoffs, there are two divisional champions and two wild card teams. The highest-seeded division champion hosts the lowest-seeded wild card team, and the other division winner hosts the other wild card team. The winners of these games go on to play two more division winners -- the top two seeds in each conference, who earned a "bye" and got to skip to the second round of the playoffs. Once again, the highest seeded division winner plays the lowest remaining seed.

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