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In 1994 the NFC Central had four teams go to the playoffs. Minnesota Vikings winning the division with a 10-6 record and Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions, and Chicago Bears all had 9-7 and all beat the New York Giants (also 9-7) in a tie for the wild cards. This was the most teams in the playoffs from one division that ever was and ever will be thanks to the new division setup in 2002.

Before the new divisions in 2002 there were three wild cards in each conference and only three divisions in each conference so having 3 teams in one season wasn't uncommon and happened regularly in the NFC East, which gave the NFC East the reputation of being the toughest division.

However, since 2002 there are only two wild cards from each conference and each conference has four divisions, so it's impossible to have four playoff teams from the same division. Although, it is still possible to have three teams from the same division go to playoffs and in the past ten years, since 2002, this has happened four times, twice in NFC East (2006, 2007), once in AFC South (2007), and once in AFC North last year (2011); and by the looks of the NFC this year (2012) it could happen again.

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Q: What NFL division had the most teams in the playoffs in one season?
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