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No and if they where caught they where thrown off a cliff to there death.

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Women were not allowed to compete in ancient Olympic games.

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get A LIfe people who cARES

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Q: Were women women allowed at the ancient olympic games?
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Were women allowed in the ancient olympic games?

Women were allowed in the ancient Olympic games only when the owned a horse who participated in the race . Otherwise they were not allowed.

Were women allowed in the ancient Olympic games and why?


Where women allowed in ancient olympic games?

no they were not allowed to take part in the olympic games until 1900

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Who were not allowed to enter the ancient olympic games?


Why were women not allowed to play in the ancient Olympic games?

Women in Ancient Greek were considered inferior to men and did not have the same rights. For that reason they were not allowed to participate in the Olympic games.

Were women allowed to compete in the olympic games?

In the ancient Olympic games women were not allowed to compete, but now they are.

Were women aloud at the olympic games?

Yes. Women are allowed in the Modern Olympic Games, both as participants, and as spectators. Women were banned from the Ancient Olympic Games held in Greece, (both as participating athletes and as spectators), but, women are certainly allowed in the Modern Olympic Games.

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Why were women not allowed to play in the Ancient Greece Olympic games?

Women in Ancient Greek were considered inferior to men and did not have the same rights. For that reason they were not allowed to participate in the Olympic games.

What was the ancient Olympics festive held for women?

The women weren't allowed to participate in the ancient Olympic games.

Who was allowed to watch the ancient olympic games?

married women and men.