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Participation was limited to men in ancient Olympics initially. However, by 6th century BC women were allowed to participate in events like foot racing.

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Q: Were the women allowed to compete in the ANCIENT Olympic games?
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Were women women allowed at the ancient olympic games?

No and if they where caught they where thrown off a cliff to there death.

What are the reason the modern Olympic games differ from the ancient Olympic games?

If you mean the ancient Olympic games in Rome or Italy where ever it was then it is because they would compete naked to make sure they weren't a girl( because back then girls weren't allowed to compete in Olympic games) and it was also in the same place unlike nowadays.

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Could men and women compete in the Ancient Olympic games?

No only men and boys can compete?

Who from ancient Macedonia won at the Olympic Games?

King Philip won the chariot race. He had to fake up a Greek ancestry from Sparta to be allowed to compete.

Related questions

Were women allowed to compete in the olympic games?

In the ancient Olympic games women were not allowed to compete, but now they are.

Were women women allowed at the ancient olympic games?

No and if they where caught they where thrown off a cliff to there death.

What are the reason the modern Olympic games differ from the ancient Olympic games?

If you mean the ancient Olympic games in Rome or Italy where ever it was then it is because they would compete naked to make sure they weren't a girl( because back then girls weren't allowed to compete in Olympic games) and it was also in the same place unlike nowadays.

Who wasn't allowed to compete in Ancient Greece Olympics?

Women were not permitted to watch the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Who was allowed to compete in the Olympics?

Only people who were entered was allowed to compete in the olympic games.

Are all countries allowed to compete in the Olympic Games?

The one with potebtial can compete

When were women allowed to compete in the Olympic Games?

in 1900 at the Paris games

Were women allowed in the ancient olympic games?

Women were allowed in the ancient Olympic games only when the owned a horse who participated in the race . Otherwise they were not allowed.

Where women allowed in ancient olympic games?

no they were not allowed to take part in the olympic games until 1900

Do the olympic games encourage equality in the world?

everyone is allowed to compete but in the early 1900's woman were not allowed to compete

Could men and women compete in the Ancient Olympic games?

No only men and boys can compete?

Did women compete in the first modern olympic games?

No, they wern't allowed