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Lenin was absolutely a dedicated revolutionary. He was so dedicated that he used Marxism as a philosophical basis to convince the people of Russia that the Tsar should be overthrown, but he was not patient enough to wait for the people of Russia to become a true Marxian proletariat of workers. When he was able to take over the country, he did so in a political insurrection against a weak government. It was not at all a Marxian revolution.

Lenin became dedicated to revolution when his older brother Alexander was shot for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III.

Lenin branded himself a "dedicated revolutionary." Part of his Leninist philosophy was that a revolution should be conducted by a small group of "professional revolutionaries," rather than by a large but loosely organized mass of workers as Karl Marx had predicted.

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Q: Was Lenin a dedicated revolutionary
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What were the origins of Lenin's revolutionary ideas?

There were two basic origins. One was the execution of his older brother when Lenin was a teenager for plotting against the life of Tsar Alexander III, the father of Tsar Nicholas II. The other was the revolutionary philosophy of Karl Marx. Lenin became a dedicated Marxist.

Who was Vladimir Lenin's wife?

Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

Why was Vladimir Lenin expelled from Kazan University?

Lenin had a reputation for revolutionary activities especially after his older brother was executed for attempting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. As time went on he got more and more active as a revolutionary so it expelled him.

Who influenced Lenin's beliefs?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Nikolai Chernyevksy and Georgii Plekhanov also greatly influenced Lenin's revolutionary beliefs. Chernyevsky wrote the revolutionary novel, "What Is To Be Done" in 1862. Lenin was so influenced by this novel that he gave his own revolutionary pamphlet the same name. He even styled himself along the lines of the hero of the book, a man named Rakhmetev. One author of Russian history stated that Lenin read this novel five times in one summer. Plekhanov wrote a book called "On the Question of Developing a Monistic View of History" in 1895. This is the book that brought Marxism to Russia. For this reason, Plekhanov is often referred to as the founder of Russian Marxism.

Who was the Russian Revolutionary leader named Nikolai?

Vladimir Lenin was also known as Nikolai Lenin. He wrote some articles under that name.

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What were the origins of Lenin's revolutionary ideas?

There were two basic origins. One was the execution of his older brother when Lenin was a teenager for plotting against the life of Tsar Alexander III, the father of Tsar Nicholas II. The other was the revolutionary philosophy of Karl Marx. Lenin became a dedicated Marxist.

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Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898

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Why was Vladimir Lenin expelled from Kazan University?

Lenin had a reputation for revolutionary activities especially after his older brother was executed for attempting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. As time went on he got more and more active as a revolutionary so it expelled him.

Who influenced Lenin's beliefs?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Nikolai Chernyevksy and Georgii Plekhanov also greatly influenced Lenin's revolutionary beliefs. Chernyevsky wrote the revolutionary novel, "What Is To Be Done" in 1862. Lenin was so influenced by this novel that he gave his own revolutionary pamphlet the same name. He even styled himself along the lines of the hero of the book, a man named Rakhmetev. One author of Russian history stated that Lenin read this novel five times in one summer. Plekhanov wrote a book called "On the Question of Developing a Monistic View of History" in 1895. This is the book that brought Marxism to Russia. For this reason, Plekhanov is often referred to as the founder of Russian Marxism.

Who was the Russian Revolutionary leader named Nikolai?

Vladimir Lenin was also known as Nikolai Lenin. He wrote some articles under that name.

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