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Q: According to Lenin Why must revolutionary activities be centralized?
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Was Lenin kicked out of school?

Lenin was expelled from Kazan University for his revolutionary activities and speeches.

Why was Vladimir Lenin expelled from Kazan University?

Lenin had a reputation for revolutionary activities especially after his older brother was executed for attempting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. As time went on he got more and more active as a revolutionary so it expelled him.

Where did Vladimir I. Lenin go to high school?

Lenin went to the Simbirsk Gymnasium and to Kazan University. He was expelled from the university for revolutionary activities.

How did vladimar leini get his name?

Vladimir Lenin's name was chosen by himself; "Lenin" was a pseudonym he adopted in 1901 during his underground revolutionary activities. "Vladimir" is his given name.

Where did Stalin meet Lenin?

Many exiled Marxists and communists lived in safety in Western Europe. Trotsky first met Lenin in London. This was after Trotsky had served time in Siberia for revolutionary activities. They soon became friends and shared revolutionary ideas.

What criminal activities was Lenin involved in?

Bank robberies for one. Aside from revolutionary activities, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were engaged in what they called "expropriations" in order to fund the activities of the Bolshevik Party. These "expropriations" were simple bank robberies. While Lenin probably never went on a heist himself, he certainly approved of thers doing it. many other Bolshevik leaders however were appalled at the idea.

What did Lenin have to do to achieve his revolutionary?


The leader of the Bolsheviks was?

Bolshevik revolutionary leader was Leon Trotsky

What degree did Lenin receive?

Lenin studied law but did not receive a degree because he left the university due to his revolutionary activities. He completed studies on his own and actually practiced law for a time, but turned to politics full time.

Who was the target audience of Lenin and his revolutionary actions?

The Workers.

Did Lenin oppose the idea of a tightly knit party to lead the revolution in Russia?

No, that was one of the concepts that he advocated so strongly that it led to the split in the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party into the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. According to Marxist thought, the proletarian revolution would come about when millions of workers united and seized control of the means of production. Lenin felt that revolution should be by a small group of professional revolutionaries. Lenin wanted the revolutionary group kept to a minimum so that counter revolutionaries would not be able to infiltrate the organization to undermine its revolutionary activities.

Who was Vladimir Lenin's wife?

Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898